I am happy to report that, as of this writing, on April 3, 2014 all the outstanding items have been addressed in a perfectly acceptable way. The brick is back in place, and more importantly the drainage issue has been resolved with the installation of a hydro-static sub-drain system. The interior work in the bathroom has been repaired and now we are ready to paint the interior, which we had been holding off on doing until the repairs were made.
Sometimes it takes a while to get what you play for, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the speed and willingness which went into making these repairs after so long a period of time. Thanks, David, for restoring my faith in Pulte Homes!
I don't know about you, but when I buy a home I at least expect the bricks to stay put. According to both Pulte Homes, and their engineers, this is an example of "normal" settlement. Sue and I bought this home less than 2 years ago from them, and it is falling apart, as plainly evidenced in this photo. And that's just the outside! Inside the house, there are more "wall Pops" than at the time of last years 11 month walk through. The interior stairway is particularly impacted, with bowing moldings and shifting walls. This is AFTER the repairs were done last year. Obviously, this house is still "settling."
"Marginal soils" are defined as "loose sands, soft clays, and organics are not adequate materials for construction projects. These marginal soils do not possess valuable physical properties for construction applications. The current methods for remediation of these weak soils such as stone columns, vibro-compaction, etc. are typically expensive." (Ref: Carreon, Delfin G.,"Stabilization of marginal soils etc" (2006). Theses and Dissertations. Paper 2473. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/2473)
One of the least expensive ways to alleviate standing water is the use of a sub-drain system, which at about $8 a linear foot, offers the best relief from inadequate grading in areas with little to no "fall." Apparently this is too much for Pulte Homes to spend in order to fix the root of the problems.
Pulte Homes has, apparently abandoned us in regards to their responsibilities regarding the repair of our home. All I can say, at this point, is that if you are buying a new home from Pulte Homes it's a case of Buyer Beware! I'll let you know if things change!
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