I had been thinking all afternoon about what I was going to put on this blog today. I needed a quiet place to sit in the shade, and that's becoming more and more rare each day around here!
There is one spot that I know of at exit 33 off Interstate 77 at the intersection of Fairview Road and Medical Park Plaza Drive. It's St. Patricks Labyrinth and I first ran into it by chance a couple of years ago. There is a bench there where I sometimes play guitar to myself. The sign says "All Are Welcome."
The Labyrinth is 34 foot in diameter and is a unicursal- that is- there is only one path to the center. The idea is a 3 stage journey- Stage One is a shedding of any negative feelings as you approach the center. Stage Two is Arrival and Illumination- you arrive free of negative energy and therefore your mind/spirit is open. Stage Three is the journey back along the same path, cleansed and ready to deal with the world.
I didn't have any negative energy going in and enjoyed the meandering path to the center. That was Stage One. When I got there I had an Illumination- I could blog about this! Stage Two. The Third Stage was a little more complicated for me- I would have had to retrace the path and go back to the world with renewed energy and purpose. Well, I cut ACROSS the Labyrinth to get out and get to my laptop before I lost the Energy.
And that's when it hit me- I've been doing this all my life- taking the short cut- cutting corners- coming up short. And that is really an Illumination....
Note: St Patricks Labyrinth is free and open during daylight hours. The phone number to arrange group visits or workshops is 704-663-5659
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