Sue and I have moved across the line from Mecklenburg to Cabarrus County. This whole area of NC is rich with history- from the colonial days of “The Hornets Nest” and the First Declaration of Independence in 1775 through the Civil War and beyond, the Charlotte region was a hub of industry and agriculture for many years. And the remnants of those years are scattered amongst the new developments and shopping malls. You just have to look.
Up the road from our last home was the Torrence Store and Homestead. Dating back to about 1810 the original home is still occupied and in beautiful condition. The store is open one Sunday per month and is a great glimpse back in time.
But lately I have kept passing by a place called Beaver Dam Park on the outskirts of Davidson- home of Davidson College- Woodrow Wilson went there way back when. The founding President of the College lived about 5 miles away at Beaver Dam.
So Sue and I were driving by Saturday when we decided to investigate the place. It’s always desertred and looks like it gets rented out every now and then for parties, weddings etc. But we just wanted to see it. So we parked- the only ones there- and took a look.
The driveway curves around the house horse and buggy style- it was built around 1826- the date is written on one of the chimneys. The grounds are very sparse- could use some landscaping with an old fashioned herb garden outside the kitchen. But the place is remarkably peaceful and though right off the road has the feeling of seclusion. The two huge Magnolias and the stand of Bamboo surrounding the whole place add to that effect. (See additional photos at or go to
The sundial was a real surprise and a treat- I have been using sundials since I was about 5 years old and my Dad taught me at Riis Park in Queens, NY. And the kicker was that this one was only five minutes off the mark- not counting the hour difference in DST.
Nothing special about the place- other than it has survived the NC tradition of ripping it down if it’s not in use. But a peaceful place to stroll and look at life in a slower pace.
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