Friday, May 10, 2013

"Drew Peterson: Untouchable" with Rob Lowe and Catherine Dent (2012)

Rob Lowe has never shined as well as he does in this true life story of jealousy, anger, control and murder. Told from the perspective of the news and numerous talk shows on which Mr. Peterson appeared while proclaiming his innocence, this movie moves along at a quick pace. It’s not about the ending; as we all know what that ending will be; it’s more about how this man’s arrogance, and attitude, bought about justice for the two wives he murdered.

After the death of his 3rd wife under mysterious circumstances, Sgt. Drew Peterson, of the Bolingbrook     Police Dept., marries Kathleen, a woman half his age. She is blissfully unaware of his marital history and taken aback by the generous gifts he lavishes upon her. Against the advice of her sisters and friends, she marries anyway.

Before long, his controlling ways come to the surface. He has her checking in by cell phone every few hours and questions her whereabouts at all times. After all, she had broken up his former marriage, so why should he trust her? Such is the mindset of Sgt. Peterson.

The movie is cut in the style of Michael Moore, and Oliver Stone; with real footage of the interviews Mr. Peterson undertook with such media personalities as Larry King. This technique only underscores just how perfect the casting and make up in the film are. Rob Lowe has captured every nuance of Mr. Peterson, just as he did in “Chaplin”, making this one of his finest performances ever, and surrounded by a very competent cast of supporting actors, this movie rings true.

Mr. Peterson was a member of the Bolingbrook Police Department in Illinois from 1977 until he became a suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy, in 2007. He was suspected and later tried for the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. He was convicted and sentenced for her murder in November of 2012. Stacy Peterson’s body has never been was found.

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