Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Two Views - Same Sky

Perceptions are a funny lot. You look, you see, and then analyze what you have taken in. The same things can be curious at their best, and deceiving at other times. Today is one of those "blue sky" days, with not a cloud to be seen. Looking through my camera from inside the rear screened porch offers one view. Depending on the angle from which I snapped the photo determined the pattern the screen made against the sky. I took several shots, some were too symmetrical, while others were confusing, with the original intent of showing the sky through a "gauze" obscured by the op-art patterns exposed by the camera.

This is the same shot from outside the screen. Clear and uncluttered without anything to use as a frame of reference. It could be anything. Or it could be nothing at all. Life, and relationships, are alot like these photos. Nothing is ever as confusing, or obscurred, as it may seem when we first examine it through a veil of mystery. On the other hand, when unencumbered by a trick of the light, or sleight of hand, the obvious can also present great mysteries, when all the time the plain truth is right before our very eyes.

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