Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Peeping Penguins" - Max Fleischer (1937)

With the weather so cold up north in New York; and hotter down south; I found myself in a bit of a lurch while trying to decide what cartoon to post today for my grandkids. Around holidays the choice is easy enough, but what to do when the kids live so far away, and in opposite directions, as well as climates?

The answer, of course, is to simply pick out the one which you like best (the cartoon, not the grandkid!) and just go with it.  The grandkids up north will appreciate the snowy theme, and the ones in Texas will remember being here for a white Christmas 2 years ago.

This is another fluid Max Fleischer creation, featuring 2 small penguins, both of whom ignore their mothers warning and go exploring the inside of a hunter’s cabin. The things they find within, along with their naivety about humans, make this a cute little cartoon for a cold winter’s day in upstate New York; or even a warm and sunny day in Texas.

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