Sunday, August 25, 2024

"Victim" with Dirk Bogarde (1961)

Here is a highly provocative and interesting English film from 1961. "The Victim" stars Dirk Bogarde as a successful Barrister, with high morals as well as a past which is not quite behind him. It begins in such a way which mirrors the secrecy which surrounded the issue at the time, and as a result you are left wondering just what it is that the young victim "Boy Barrett, played by Peter McEnery, is running from. Dennis Price also co-stars in his role as a closeted stage actor.

Married, sucessful and certain to be elevated to the House of Lords, he faces a choice, either stay silent, or risk destroying his comfortable and repected life to stand up for what is morally right.

This film was made at a time when homosexuality was a crime in England, just as it was here in America, and it raises many questions. What is the nature of these "criminals"? And who is the bigger threat to society? The blackmail victims; albeit  "lawbreakers", or the blackmailers themselves?

When Barrister Farr (played by Bogarde) begins to stand up for principles, questions are raised about how far things can go without hurting society; or himself. This is a fascinating film from whichever perspective you view it. And seeing it over 60 years after it's release, makes it even more so.

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